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Home Media Room Be Severe-Weather Ready: 4 Tips for Disaster Preparedness

Be Severe-Weather Ready: 4 Tips for Disaster Preparedness
True or False? The 2022 hurricane season is predicted to be more active than normal.
True. According to weather forecasting company AccuWeather, there may be between 16 and 20 named storms this season, with 3 to 5 expected to be major hurricanes.¹ Tornado season is already well underway; in fact, 2022 produced a record-breaking 210 tornadoes in March.²
With this information in mind, are your operations prepared for severe conditions? Read on for tips to help your organization weather the storm.
1. Secure ample supplies before severe weather begins.
Although the Atlantic hurricane season does not officially begin until next month, AccuWeather veteran meteorologist Dan Kottlowski recommends starting your hurricane prep now as early-season storms are predicted to occur.
And while supplies like water and batteries are usually easy to obtain, global supply chain issues may make a few items harder to find, such as lumber for window boarding, sandbags to prevent flooding, and generators. Proactively buying these necessities for your office is one less task on your to-do list and it gives you enough time to secure everything before a storm is actually on the radar.
2. Refine your business continuity plan for remote operations
Depending on the extent of the storm’s aftermath, your office may be inaccessible for several days up to multiple weeks. Minimize downtime and maintain operational continuity by having a thorough plan in place and performing regular checks to verify that all information is accurate and aligned.
The past two years have prepared many organizations for remote work, but in case your employees have returned to the office, set them up for a seamless transition in the event of a natural disaster by ensuring they have the proper equipment as well as access to the business network, file sharing systems, etc.
3. Maintain regular staff communications
Maintaining a reliable means of communication before, during, and after severe weather is crucial to the effective management of your operations. There are plenty of apps for businesses that can be useful; however, when land-based cellular networks fail, you still need a dependable communications system.
Instead, empower your asset operators, monitor trip patterns, and enable emergency response systems with an affordable Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite solution. These SATCOM products are more beneficial during emergency situations, as they provide continuous global coverage for voice, data, and GPS tracking, even in non-remote locations.
4. Equip your search & rescue team with the right tools for the mission
If your organization will assist with disaster or emergency response, it’s imperative that personnel have what they need to be successful. Satellite communications and fleet management technology can prove critical when local services are impacted by hurricanes, tornadoes, or other severe weather events.
When determining which tool is best for your team, it’s important to consider product size, weight, and portability. Similar to the first tip, be proactive in acquiring these items, keeping in mind supply chain issues. There is currently a major shortage of satellite phones, for example. Search for SATphone alternatives, such as our SkyLink TOC BOX, to achieve complete global coverage.
Whether you’re in Tornado Alley or the Gulf Coast, early preparedness can help you achieve operational awareness, safety, and workforce connectivity in the event of a natural disaster. At Blue Sky Network, we’re proud to offer innovative SATCOM solutions for any business continuity and emergency contingency plan. We’d love to assist you in finding the perfect one for your needs!
¹ Byrne, Kevin. (2022, March 30). AccuWeather’s 2022 Atlantic hurricane season forecast.
² Livingston, Ian and Feuerstein, Jacob. (2022, April 5). 2022 generated most March
tornadoes on record in U.S. The Washington Post.