Data Requests

Created: 2015-12-31 | Version: 1.0 | Size: 94.88 KB

The Data Exchange is a tool that allows users to access data hosted on their account in a comma separated values format.  SkyRouter Administrators can use this form to submit an application to enable Data Exchange access permissions for General/Sub User accounts. Blue Sky Network will only accept applications which are submitted by the SkyRouter Administrator listed on the account. SkyRouter Data Exchange access permissions are given on a per-account basis to General User Accounts. The SkyRouter Administrator must supply a General/Sub UserID which has been created under their Administrator account, Data Exchange permissions will be granted to the supplied account upon approval.

Created: 2015-12-31 | Version: 1.0 | Size: 70.02 KB

After 180 days tracking data is moved from SkyRouter to our archive system. Use this form to submit a request for archived data from the SkyRouter archives. Blue Sky Network will only accept applications which are submitted by the SkyRouter Administrator listed on the account. A fee may apply for archived data retrieval.

Created: 2016-01-14 | Version: 1.0 | Size: 18.95 KB

Asset sharing allows a Blue Sky Network customer to share access to one or more assets with another Blue Sky Network customers SkyRouter account. Use this form to submit an asset share request.  Blue Sky Network will only accept forms which are submitted by the SkyRouter Administrator listed on the account.

Created: 2016-01-14 | Version: | Size: 171.82 KB

Data feeds are used when a Blue Sky Network customer wants to forward tracking data to a support third party such as USFS or AFS. This form can be used to submit a data feed request. Blue Sky Network will only accept forms which are submitted by the SkyRouter Administrator listed on the account.