Do you have docking stations for the Iridium 9505A satellite phone?
Yes. We also have Secure Sleeve applications for this phone.
Yes. We also have Secure Sleeve applications for this phone.
They both provide the exact same result, a voice call over the Iridium Satellite Network–outbound and inbound. With a Docking Station, the Satellite phone can be removed. With a Fixed Station Terminal (FST) the “phone” is inside–therefore “fixed”.
If you have an application that might require the satellite phone to be removed and transported, choose a Docking Station. An example might be a pleasure boat–The Docking Station provides convenience to make phone calls without going on the deck. If an evacuation of the boat is required say to
For passive antennas, 20 meters is about as far as you can practically go (you can go farther, but the size of the cable, rigidity, and cost make it impractical). From 20 meters to 40 meters, consider an Active (powered) antenna solution. Beyond this, our Comcenter Outdoor (also used for