A dual-mode, real-time tracking and vehicle management solution….
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Browse our industry-leading satellite and voice communications solutions and seamlessly connect your high-value assets and operations, anytime and anywhere.
Home Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD)
The Iridium Edge leverages existing terrestrial-based solutions for fleet management, telematics, safety, and other…
The Iridium Edge® Solar is a standalone and programmable solar-powered Short Burst Data (SBD®)…
A handheld messaging and personal tracking device that operates in either single-mode or dual-mode with…
A personal GPS tracking device that makes ensuring the safety and keeping track of workers…
An IP67 rated handheld, global, two-way satellite voice, messaging, and personal tracking device….
A pocket-sized, low-cost, handheld satellite tracker and messaging device with a touchscreen….
An IP67 rated handheld, global, two-way satellite messaging and personal tracking device that utilizes Iridium’s…
Our premium Iridium antennas provide excellent radio frequency (RF) filtering to ensure a strong, continuous…
Dual Mode (Iridium/GPS) Antenna with 3m (10ft) cable….